Kristna Tv Program med Bibeln i Centrum

TV for body, mind and soul

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A LifeStyleMini is a small message tract, designed to stimulate thinking and interest in studying the Bible. We aim to address topics and issues that are relevant, and hope that you will enjoy these few lines. Don’t miss the related LifeStyleClip, a short video “trailer”.


LifeStyleMinis are intended for sharing with friends and people you come into contact with during the day. Always keep a few close at hand. You can have them in your pocket, purse, backpack, and of course your car. Order a pack of LifeStyleMinis from LifeStyleTV today, and start sharing.


LifeStyleTV provides relevant, meaningful and life-changing programing 24x7 to Scandinavia. Our lifestyle focused and Bible-based programs seek to bring life together, as a whole ­– physically, mentally and spiritually.

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