Kristna Tv Program med Bibeln i Centrum

TV for body, mind and soul

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Sourdough Starter


1 dl whole grain flour (preferrably swidden rye)

1 dl water



In a container mix together the whole grain flour and water. Place the container at room temperature or warmer, if possible. After 24 hours, feed the sourdough again with the same amounts of water and flour. Repeat this every day for three to four days. Then place the sourdough in the refrigerator for keeping. One day, 24 hours, before baking, remove it, feed it and allow it to stand at room temperature. Feed the sourdough at least once a week and always 24 hours before baking. To get the sourdough started faster, you can add a little honey or grated apple. Swidden rye works very well to keep the sourdough alive, but regular rye can work too.

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